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Blast from the past

Wednesday, September 02, 2009
I was watching a segment on the Today Show on an Old Time Country Store in Vermont. Talk about a blast from the past!! Remember all the stuff you grew up with? Have a look, so fun!
Maja Soap

Reminds me of my mama
Soap on A Rope
The Original Slinky
62 years old, can you believe that?
Rock em Sock em Robots
Red Laces

Clove Gum
Where else can you buy a wedge of aged cheddar cut from a 38-pound wheel, a long-lost apothecary brand you remember and trust, new red long johns, a real, heavy-weight cast iron skillet--then fill a bag full of your old favorites at the candy counter? Stocked to the rafters with a huge assortment of practical and hard-to-find merchandise you can't find anywhere else, The Vermont Country Store has something for everyone.


PLease Don't Leave!!!

PLease Don't Leave!!!
There's so much MORE to See!!!!!
